Emil Zaynetdinov: A person can be as far from us as many thousands of kilometers, but we will render his any type of help

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Emil Zaynetdinov: A person can be as far from us as many thousands of kilometers, but we will render his any type of help

Emil Zaynetdinov – CEO of the unique project FAIMA.ai

Is artificial intelligence in medicine possible and how it can affect the treatment of patients and the profession of a doctor? We decided to talk about this with Emil Zaynetdinov – CEO of the unique project FAIMA.ai

Emil, in recent years, more and more talk and write about artificial intelligence. It is used in trade, in the service sector, is it really possible in medicine?

— Why not. It is nowhere, but in the sphere of healthcare that artificial intelligence can manifest itself with maximum benefit for humanity, and for humanity without borders. Yes, this is how we can formulate the main vector of our project briefly.

It is medicine without borders, isn’t it?

— That’s right. We are developing a project that will help a person seek medical help, regardless of geographical distances and political boundaries. After all, everybody needs help of a competent doctor. A person can be very far from us, but we will render him all-round assistance.

How artificial intelligence can do it?

— First of all, our project is to use artificial intelligence to diagnose diseases. Unfortunately, the most severe and often unrecoverable medical errors occur during diagnosis.

It turns out that the probability of medical error when using artificial intelligence is zero?

— Yes, actually it is. Thanks to our system, doctors and patients are able to diagnose diseases with maximum efficiency. Currently, every tenth patient suffers from an incorrect diagnosis. It’s horrible. After all, it can cost him not only lost health, but life. Artificial intelligence, correcting this situation, actually saves us from a variety of and very many risks.

What are the other positive features of your system?

— It is free from the human factor. A doctor, who is a person, can be inattentive, come in a bad mood or not have a good sleep, catch a cold or suffer from a hangover. The machine has no such circumstances. It is free from such a nuance as the quality of the training of medical personnel. We all perfectly understand that doctors in Switzerland, Israel, Germany and, for example, in the countries of the third world, can seriously differ in their level of training. This does not mean that African or Asian doctors are less conscientious, treat patients badly, but there are different universities, different educational systems. Artificial intelligence is international and has not the shortcomings of national education systems.

Emil Zaynetdinov: A person can be as far from us as many thousands of kilometers, but we will render his any type of helpHow does artificial intelligence work in the diagnosis of diseases?

— I will answer right away that thanks to modern technology it is possible to analyze absolutely all the world information of medical nature. The accuracy of artificial intelligence is evidenced by the fact that he is able to analyze over 40 million disease histories in the interest of saving one single person. That is, every inhabitant of the planet can confidently count on the help of artificial intelligence and it will be in his interest to analyze millions of case histories of citizens of European, Asian, American, African states.

Can you call your project really unique or does it have any analogues?

— Our project is the only one in the world. Of course, research into the use of artificial intelligence in health care has long been carried out by companies such as Apple, Microsoft, Google. But the uniqueness of our project FAIMA.ai is the application in health care of the most advanced technology of blockchain. By the way, the importance of blockchain today is recognized by the governments and leading companies of many countries of the world. For example, in the UAE, the whole government system is transferred to the blockchain. Our project became the first blockchain -project in the health sector.

Blockchain is a technology for decentralizing databases. How can it be used in medicine?

— First of all, it’s free access for doctors and other medical personnel to our application. Blockchain provides its effective work, the highest speed of the calculations. But, most importantly, thanks to the technology of the blockchain, the safety of all the very valuable information is ensured. For medicine, this is a matter of principle – we all know the role played by medical secrecy and the issues of its compliance and protection.

How does the medical staff gain free access to the FAIMA databases?

— Our system is free for medical organizations, but works on the principle of mutually beneficial exchange. This is also a very important aspect of our activities. The medical institution provides us with data concerning the case histories of our patients. So a unique database is formed, containing information about tens of millions of case histories. We, in turn, «pay» by providing free access to a personal assistant–artificial intelligence. By the way, artificial intelligence is constantly improving its capabilities and, I confess, it is becoming «smarter» and «smarter».

But if artificial intelligence in health care will be applied more and more effective, will this lead to a complete «mechanization» of medicine? At least, to replace most of the functions that doctors and nurses performed by machine operations?

— Health care is still not an industry and not a service sector. You can replace the seller’s automatic coffee or cashier, but the doctor – a person can’t be replaced by a machine. Our FAIMA.ai system is an artificial intelligence that acts as an assistant, not an enemy physician. It helps the doctor to choose the right decision, and most importantly – saves his time, as he takes on a number of those functions that are secondary in the doctor’s work, but takes away a significant part of his working time and energy. For example, the simplest advice on the use of medicines or medical manipulations may well not be given by a person – a doctor or a paramedic, but artificial intelligence.

Emil Zaynetdinov: A person can be as far from us as many thousands of kilometers, but we will render his any type of helpBut after all, artificial intelligence takes on one of the most fundamental and complex functions of medicine – diagnostics?

— Yes it does. But this does not mean that he eliminates the need for a person — a medical specialist. On the contrary, we all perfectly understand that even the most educated and talented doctor, a doctor of sciences, an academician, cannot possess all the information, be a «walking encyclopedia.» There is a constant renewal of medical knowledge in the world, it is simply impossible to track the constant development of medical science, theory and practice. Especially, if we are talking about a practicing doctor who is torn between operations and improving his knowledge. Artificial intelligence relieves the physician of the need to spend the surplus of his time in the search for information, makes his work easier and helps to analyze colossal databases. Therefore, doctors will benefit from the application of our system.

How do you see the future development of FAIMA.ai?

— Virtually every person can contribute to the improvement of our system. And it’s not just about money. We launched Pre-ICO, aimed at ensuring the smooth operation of our service. Mining farms will be involved in the proces. Research in the field of neural networks will allow artificial intelligence to constantly improve and become better and more effective. Finally, each person will be able to share his medical history, which is very important for our system. This will create an invaluable database that will save the health and lives of people around the world. Sooner or later, medicine will become one and global, and our project will play an important role in this.

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